
In Pubkey client, a post is a message that a user publishes on the platform. Posts are the core content and they can contain a variety of information, including:

  1. Text: There is not text limitation of plain text, which can include words, phrases, sentences, or even just a single character.
  2. Media: Post can include various types of media, such as images and videos.
  3. Tags: It is a keyword or phrase preceded by the ”#” symbol, which help categorize and make post discoverable by topic.
  4. Mentions: References to other Pubky users, denoted by the “pk” keyword which notify them of the post.
  5. Links: URLs to external websites, articles, or other online content.
  6. Emojis: Small images or icons used to convey emotions or add tone to the tweet.

Users also can re-post and reply to posts